
Skin Protection
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Living with pimples on your face can be a sore point in your life. The impression of your skin and looks on others have a very strong reflection on your personality. If you are not looking good and don’t have a clear skin, you might feel in-confident. Acne and pimples may cause you to experience anxiety and make you more self-conscious. Confidence and looks are a key factor in your overall well-being.  Here are 7 effective ways to care for your skin.

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Changes in Diet
If you find frequent acne on your back or on your face, this might be because of the diet you take. Some people don’t ingest ample water and don’t keep themselves adequately hydrated. This results in acne. A diet of fast foods or a diet high in Fats may also be responsible for the acne on your body. The first approach towards elimination of acne on your skin should be changes in lifestyle. One must try to figure out the trigger foods and factors which result in acne and pimples. Reducing consumption of trigger food may help you achieve a clear skin. Here are some foods which may be causing your acne:
·         Bread (Because of Gluten)
·         Potato chips
·         Milk chocolate
·         Dairy
·         Ice cream
·         Soda
·         Pizza

Foods which improve skin scars and reduce acne and Black heads include yogurt, cultured vegetables, probiotics, Vitamin A foods (carrots and spinach), Vitamin C foods (citrus fruits and berries), high fibre foods, Protein foods like fish and Zinc foods which include pumpkinseeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds. Omega 3 in fish is also a good fat which is good for skin scars. Consumption of antioxidants can help keep your skin clean and fresh. Anti-oxidants slow down the aging process. Adding up herbal teas in your diet may also help you achieve a fresh skin glow.

Your bathing habits and how frequent you bathe may also be responsible for your acne. If you are not taking baths frequently enough you might be allowing ample accumulation of oils secreted by skin to turn into pimples. You must also look out for the soap and the shampoo you use. Your body might not be accepting the use of those products on you. Clothes which are not clean may also be responsible for rashes or pimples on your skin. Although this is rare, one’s overall hygiene does play a role in wellbeing of your skin.

Reducing Stress
Some Dermatologists believe stress might be a factor in acne breakouts. You might want to relax do some Yoga or other stress relieving activity. Keeping yourself away from stress might be helpful. Stress increases glucocorticoid production, which can lead to abnormalities in skin structure and function.
Exerting yourself physically may also be helpful. When you exert, blood reaches your skin more effectively. This enables a better function of your skin. However, after a workout it is always wise wipe out the sweat as that can also lead to acne. Take a shower.

De-Germ Your Cell Phone
Studies indicate that your cell phone might be a host to millions of germs. Each time you answer a phone or you touch your face after texting, you make your facial skin more vulnerable. Try to clean your phone every once in a while to reduce risk.

Conservative treatments for Acne and Black heads
If you are unable to identify a particular food or factor you might want to decide a treatment for your problem. Having Black heads on your nose skin is actually natural and there is not much one can do about it stop it from occurring. However, you can always remove them. To remove blackheads you can try to scrub them away or use salicylic gels, retinoid, cleansing brushes and papaya, charcoal and pineapple masks. Using masks of organic material and fruits can great reduce your blackheads and the breakouts of pimples/Acne.

Benzoyl Peroxide
Another great option to reduce acne is the use of Benzoyl peroxide. This medicine is normally available over the counter without a prescription. Many products containing Benzoyl peroxide may be available at your local pharmacy. You should try out a product by applying it to a small portion of your skin to see if you are not allergic to it. Avoid getting this in your eyes, nose and broken parts of your skin as this may cause irritation. Some common products which contain benzoyl peroxide are Pads, sponges and cleansers.

Prescription Strength Medicine
Some people don’t find ample relief with conservative treatments and lifestyle changes. Their severity of acne might be moderate to severe. Those people should seek a dermatologist for a prescription strength medicine. Antibiotics in low doses are usually prescribed by dermatologists to reduce acne bacteria in the skin. Sometimes your dermatologist will give you a combination of benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics to control you condition. Here is a list of some common Antibiotics usually prescribed:
·         Doxycycline (a tetracycline antibiotic)
·         Erythromycin
·         Trimethroprim
·         Cotrimoxazole 
These medicines are generally safe to use and they improve the quality of life of the patient. However, consult a qualified Dermatologist before using any prescription strength medicine. You might have other conditions which may make your condition worse.


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